Last week we talked about arches and how they can be low, medium or high. (See LINK) We have in the past talked about flat feet (Type “flat feet” in the search box on the side and several posts will come up for you to review). We have not talked about high arches.
High arches are less common than normal arches or even flat feet. With high arches, the foot tends to be less flexible and the foot will underpronate. Underpronation is when the foot rolls to the outside when landing during walking or running. This movement makes people with high arches at risk for ankle sprains.
High arches can also be associated with several foot problems. Some of these include metatarsalgia (ball of the foot pain) , plantar fasciitis, calluses on the ball of the foot, Achilles tendinitis, lateral ankle instability, knee pain, iliotibial band friction syndrome, and back pain to name a few.
Most of these problems can be helped with the proper shoes and orthotics. When the orthotics and shoes change the pattern for how the foot hits the ground, many of the problems are relieved. A person with high arches lack flexibility in their feet and therefore if orthotics and/or proper shoes are worn they can make up for the lack of flexibility and will help with shock absorption.
Also, daily stretching exercises and strengthening exercises for the calf muscles can help those with high arches increase stability and help relieve some of the tightness associated with Achilles tendinitis and heel pain.
If you have the combination of diabetes and high arches, there can be problems due to the pressure that is exerted on the side of the foot. This pressure can cause calluses to build up and become a sore. Regular visits to your friendly local podiatrist can help ensure that the callused areas do not turn into non-healing wounds.
So, if you are wondering if you have high arches and that they might be the cause of some of your foot, ankle, and leg problems, I suggest that you go to your friendly local podiatrist and have your feet checked. The doctor will be able to give you suggestions and solutions for your problems from high arches.
Your Pal,
Foot Blogger Chick
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